Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is one of the most commonly used moisturizers in tons of skincare products. We've probably all used it at one point or another, and we reap its benefits in everything from soaps to lotions to lip care products. So what makes cocoa butter so great?
It has gorgeous moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter actually melts at the temperature of your skin, so it sinks in and fills your skin with all of the benefits. It is thick and emollient, so it keeps the skin protected from the elements. It can also be used on the face (take many moisturizers as an example) because it is high in fatty acids which keep the skin looking more youthful.
It is rich in antioxidants (which is why they say dark chocolate is healthy for you!) which is going to leave the skin looking younger and softer. Free radicals can set on signs of premature aging, so cocoa butter helps prevent that by forming a barrier on the skin full of these antioxidants.
Cocoa butter is most popularly known for its properties as a stretch mark healer! The deep moisturization helps to reduce the looks of stretch marks and can help the skin from stretching to the point where stretch marks may occur.

You can find cocoa butter in so many skincare and beauty products, it's hard not to come across it and use it at one point or another. Try it out and let the sweet chocolatey scent seduce you while it takes care of your skin!

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