Monday, December 16, 2013

What do you guys want to see?

Hey beauties! I've been writing on this blog for quite some time now, but I'm really not getting any feedback about what you would like to see. I post a lot about skincare, but if you guys would like to see something else, I would love to hear from you!
I get a decent amount of page-views however I never get any feedback from you guys, so if any of you are reading this blog religiously (in which case hi I love you!), please let me know what you would like to see from me so I can work towards making my blog a better place for everyone!
If there is anything you want to hear about, skincare or makeup or even just life-talk, let me know in a comment on this post.
Thanks guys! I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Avocado

There's nothing better than a big old bowl of guacamole with some tortilla chips and a good movie. We all know that it tastes creamy and magical, but there are actually more benefits to it than we think!
Today I'm going to tell you all about the beauty that is the avocado, and what it's going to do to make you even more beautiful than you already are!
Avocados have healthy lipid properties, which basically means that they are high in fat, however this fat is healthy for you and your body. They are high in vitamins (A, D, and E) and nutrients, which are going to lead to beautiful skin!
So here are the benefits avocados can have on your skin:
All of the vitamin E can help clear up blemishes and even out skin tone.
Avocados are incredibly moisturizing on the skin, so if you mix some avocado with a little bit of olive oil around this time of year, your skin will be extra soft and hydrated. If you're looking for something scrubby, try avocado with brown sugar or oats!
It turns out that with extensive research, avocado has been linked to relief for excema and psoriasis, because it can reduce under-skin inflammation, which will then work towards the surface of the skin.
All of the protein and vitamins can also help hair growth!

So eat and apply more avocado, and you will reap all of the benefits!

Monday, December 9, 2013

In Need of Perfume Advice!

Hi beauties! So this kind of post isn't really typical for me because instead of posting something to help you guys out, I need some help on a topic I'm not so good with!

Here's my deal: I want to find a signature perfume for myself this season. However, I need a brand that is cruelty free (being vegetarian I have devoted myself to a lifestyle full of cruelty-free beauty-without-bunnies products) and not LUSH because I've tried perfumes from there and they don't stay on me. Any of them. Ever. -loud sigh-

Do any of you beauties have a perfume you can't live without?? I tend to lean towards more spicy scents rather than florals...maybe even something kind of aquatic.
Any help is appreciated!

I will be posting another ingredient spotlight as scheduled. :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Beeswax

We all know that we can find it in our lip balms, it makes it feel a bit tacky and keeps our lips feeling waxy and protected. It's that magical ingredient: beeswax! But what makes it such an awesome ingredient?
It has actually been proven that beeswax can fight against viruses and infections (just like honey, because beeswax is the place where honey is stored before it is extracted) because it is antibacterial! Bees make really incredible elixirs, building their hives from wax that they produce, then they fill it with their honey. When used on the skin, beeswax can create a barrier between the outside and your skin, protecting it from pollution and infection.
Beeswax is also a skin protectant- it aids in humectifying the skin, which basically means that it draws moisture in, and then locks it in so that moisture cannot escape the skin. Your skin will feel softer and healthier (and who doesn't want that?)
Because it is antibacterial, it is also antifungal, and can treat minor burns, skin irrirations, and conditions like acne. But because it locks in moisture, it will draw out impurities without leaving you dry!
Beeswax and honey can also help with allergic reactions if the product is locally produced. If you suffer from allergies and you drink local honey in your tea, or even just eat a full teaspoon of the golden stuff, it can help alleviate allergies related to outdoor causes like pollen, ragweed, etc.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Best Eyeshadows for Your Eye Color

We all want to accentuate one of the most captivating features of the face: the eyes! There are plenty of ways to do it, like playing up the shape of the eyes with your liner, the placement of your eyeliner...the list goes on. But one thing that will absolutely make your eyes pop is wearing colors that brighten them up! In turn, this will brighten up the whole face and make you look more awake.

If you have blue eyes:
Try colors that have an orangey base, like terracotta colored shadows and neutral browns. The warmer the color, the brighter your eyes will look because blue is naturally a cool color. You can use anything in the champagne, gold, bronze and copper range!

If you have brown eyes:
Tons of colors are universally flattering on brown eyes. Just like brown shadows look lovely on blue eyes, try a blue shadow on brown eyes! The contrast will make your natural color shine through. Eggplant will also bring out any natural greens you may have, and golds and coppers will warm up the eyes and the face. Brown-eyed girls and guys have plenty of options when it comes to flattering colors!

If you have grey eyes:
Blue-greys and dark browns are your friend, grey-eyed beauties! The coolness of your eye will be accentuated with more cool tones. Although grey eyes aren't typically as celebrated as other eye colors, I know I would love to have some grey eyes! They're beautifully mysterious, so play it up with dark colors and smokey eyes!

If you have green eyes:
This is my area of expertise. I personally have green eyes, and I've worked really hard to find what works for me. Purples make the eyes look insanely bright, and the brighter the purple the better. My favorite shadow for green eyes is Stars and Rockets by MAC. Other colors that make the eyes pop are pinks, olive greens, and neutral browns. The cooler colors tend to work a bit better with green eyes, so try some of those!

If you have hazel eyes:
Colors that remind you of fall will do the best at accentuating your hazel eyes. Browns, coppers and neturals (think Naked Palette from Urban Decay!) will make the eyes look bright and stunning. Warm browns and eggplant colors will also make your eyes look warmer. Olive greens can work too, however it is typically pretty similar to the color of the eye which can look a little awkward. Try out those browns, though, you'll look fabulous!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Almond

We all know that almonds are a yummy, healthy snack that keeps you energized and feeling your best. But did you know that almond shells and almond oil are an awesome way to take care of your skin? Ground almond shells are a subtle but effective exfoliant for clogged pores, and almond oil has plenty of skin benefits as well...let's talk about them!

1) Almonds are an amazing source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is proven absolutely amazing for the skin (we'll talk about those benefits later on), so using products with almond oil is going to add that dose of vitamin E that's going to keep your skin looking beautifully radiant!
2) It can reduce wrinkles! Almonds have tons of antioxidants, which can decrease signs of aging. When ingested or applied directly to the skin, it is found that almonds can reduce the look and appearance of wrinkles on the skin's surface! (so weird how there's a natural alternative for everything, right?)
3) We know that working from the inside of the body can effect the look of the outside. Almonds, again, have tons of antioxidants. Ingesting almonds can actually help the radiance of the skin on the outside when you eat lots of them and digest them inside! It's going to leave you looking soft and radiant, because all of those free radicals are getting killed off from the inside, never giving them the chance to surface.
4) It is found to help clear up breakouts. Because of the vitamin E content, it can also be applied topically as an oil to clear up pimples and blackheads! Also, oils attract oils, so it will pull out excess oil and can then be wiped away for a radiant, clean complexion!

We should all eat more almonds, right?!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oil-based Cleansers and Why They Work

So we're all a little confused when someone says "oh you have oily skin? Maybe you should use some more moisturizer!" or "try something oil-based!" Seems like it's defeating the purpose, right? If the skin is oily, do we really need to add more oil? I mean it's already keeping it hydrated, right?
Actually, it's true! The way it works is kind of like when you're cooking: if you're adding oil to something water-based, the oil sticks together. You stir it up, it separates, but eventually if you leave it alone, the oil will come back together. It works the same way on your skin! Oil attracts oil, so using an oil-based cleanser will pull excess oil out of your pores, and then when you wipe (not rinse) it away, it will take all the excess oil with it, leaving you with soft, healthy skin. 
Now, here's why you can't just rinse it away like soap-based products: the oil isn't going to dissolve in water the way ingredients in soaps will. It will remain on the surface of the skin, leaving you looking shiny, and you'll feel oily and no one wants that! What I like to do with my oil-based cleansers is to wet a washcloth with really hot water, ring it out until it's damp, and lay it over my face for a few seconds to steam it. Once I feel my pores open up, I wipe the cleanser away with the same washcloth, then I immediately use my toner and moisturizer.
Yes, you still need moisturizer! An oil cleanser is going to leave you feeling more hydrated, but not to the extent that your skin needs. As much as I hate to say it, if your skin feels too oily the first few days, you can skip your moisturizer (but I really, really don't recommend it!).
So here's what I use in my routine:
LUSH's Ultrabland (of course, if you read my blog religiously, you know I've been absolutely obsessed with this stuff.)
It has lots and lots of almond oil, rose water,'s basically everything your skin needs to be soothed and beautiful.
Then I use my Eau Roma water toner water from LUSH as well, and I follow with Gorgeous moisturizer!
I was having serious trouble with my skin a few weeks ago and I think it was because I was stressing my skin out with tons of products. I downsized my routine to just 3 products twice a day (I do the exact same routine twice in one day, no product changes) and it has done wonders. If your skin just needs a break, try this routine and see how it works for you!
There are tons of oil-based cleansers out there, you don't just have to use the Ultrabland. Do some research and find out that sounds like it would be good for your skin type! Good luck beauties!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is one of the most commonly used moisturizers in tons of skincare products. We've probably all used it at one point or another, and we reap its benefits in everything from soaps to lotions to lip care products. So what makes cocoa butter so great?
It has gorgeous moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter actually melts at the temperature of your skin, so it sinks in and fills your skin with all of the benefits. It is thick and emollient, so it keeps the skin protected from the elements. It can also be used on the face (take many moisturizers as an example) because it is high in fatty acids which keep the skin looking more youthful.
It is rich in antioxidants (which is why they say dark chocolate is healthy for you!) which is going to leave the skin looking younger and softer. Free radicals can set on signs of premature aging, so cocoa butter helps prevent that by forming a barrier on the skin full of these antioxidants.
Cocoa butter is most popularly known for its properties as a stretch mark healer! The deep moisturization helps to reduce the looks of stretch marks and can help the skin from stretching to the point where stretch marks may occur.

You can find cocoa butter in so many skincare and beauty products, it's hard not to come across it and use it at one point or another. Try it out and let the sweet chocolatey scent seduce you while it takes care of your skin!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sweater Weather Tag

Hi beauties! I was in the mood to do a tag today, I got this one from Missglamorazzi on YouTube (aka Ingrid, if you don't watch her you should start! She's super genuine which is a big deal for me when looking for the right beauty gurus to watch!)
So I tag all of you to do this tag as well when you finish reading, I'd love to see all of your answers!
-Favourite candle scent?
I'm currently saving my Pumpkin Carving candle from Bath and Body Works...I'm gonna cry when it runs out

-Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
All 3! Depends on what mood I'm in that day, I love coffee on a cold morning, tea on a cold night, and hot chocolate if I've been outside.

-Whats the best fall memory you have?
This Halloween was probably my best Halloween/fall memory actually, I spent it with my boyfriend and our friends and watched The Shining and sat around eating pizza and talking. Sounds less exciting than it was, oh well.

-Which makeup trend do you prefer: winged eye liner or dark lips?
I say winged liner just because it's my go-to every day, but dark lips are always a must for fall!

 -What do you want to be for halloween?
Well Halloween is over already -sigh-, but I was Harley Quinn for ComicCon here in New York, and then I wore a t-shirt with Pinhead from Hellraiser on Halloween with a pair of yoga pants to stay comfy.

-Hats or scarves?
I'm a serious infinity scarf addict ugh

-Most worn article of clothing?
Anything black and/or white for work, I've been working quite a bit the last few weeks!

-Favourite fall nail polish?
Essie's Berry Naughty with Shine of the Times on top! It reminds me of the way the trees look around this time of year :)

-Skinny jeans or leggings?
I'm going to have to say skinny jeans.

-Boots or uggs?
I'm a vegetarian so I don't wear any fur/wool/suede or anything like that, so man-made material boots all the way!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Rose

Who doesn't love getting roses!?
...Did you know that roses have plenty more uses than just looking beautiful and smelling heavenly? They're actually an incredible ingredient for all skin types! I suggest using rose water if anything, it's incredibly gentle and it smells wonderful.
So what are the benefits of rose water on the skin?

It is incredibly anti-inflammatory, therefore, it helps with redness and irritation on the skin. If you're looking for a quick fix for tightness and redness, I suggest LUSH's Eau Roma Water, which is a toner water with rose and lavender to balance out cranky skin. It works wonders!

It also works as an astringent when used to tighten pores, pulling out impurities. Over time, using rose water might even help the look of enlarged pores! Who knew?

Related to rose water being an astringent: it is amazing at unclogging pores and removing gross stuff that's built up in your pores over time. I like to spray my Eau Roma Water on my pillow before I go to sleep at night to keep the cleaning process going on each of my cheeks when I flip over!

I've heard some mixed things about the next process I'm going to tell you beauties about, so if you prefer not to do it, you don't have to by any means. I have not tried it because the use of lemon on the skin on the face has had more bad reviews than good when I've done my research, but one of my co-workers told me about a remedy that has done wonders for her skin, and when I tell you her skin is perfection, her skin is baby-smooth without an uneven patch or blemish anywhere. So what does she do?
Well, she told me she went to a market and picked up pure rose water in a spray, then she takes half a lemon and rubs the peel on her face and applies the rose water afterwards. She says it has completely stopped her breakouts in a natural way that smells amazing and it hasn't irritated her skin. I'm going to have to give it a try and let you all know how it goes, but if any of you have tried it/try it, please leave me a comment and let me know how it works!

Thanks for reading beauties, until next time!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ultrabland Review

Hi beauties! I have another review for you today for a product that after this week I might just be a little bit obsessed with.
LUSH Cosmetics' Ultrabland!
This stuff has become my beauty holy grail. It is a cream cleanser, which means that it most definitely doesn't lather. How I like to use it: I wash my hands thoroughly and make sure they're really clean. I scoop a quarter-sized amount of Ultrabland into my hands and rub them together, then rub in circular motions from my jawline to my forehead...making sure to wipe over my eyes and remove my makeup.
(Yes guys, this stuff removes makeup better than a makeup remover my own opinion of course)
All you have to do from there is take a damp cotton pad and wipe off the excess. I personally love the exfoliating cotton pads that I get from Target, I just feel cleaner afterwards.
It has lots of almond oil, honey, and beeswax to nourish the skin and rose water to soothe. Somehow, this cleanser works for everyone. It was originally created for one of LUSH's founders when she went to Liz Wier (another founder of LUSH) and begged for something that would help with her excema on her face. They came up with Ultrabland on the spot and it has become a LUSH best-seller ever since.
With good reason. I'm giving this product a 1000/10, it has evened my skin tone and cleared up blemishes in a week. I've used this every night for the last 5 nights, and the ridiculous turnaround in my skin is hardly even explainable. I can't thank LUSH enough for making such an insanely beautiful product.
Don't let the texture and thickness turn you off, beauties, at least take a sample of this baby home and take your makeup off with it. Let me know how it goes!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Tea Tree

How many of us love natural alternatives for treatments that can dry the skin out (like benzoyl peroxide)? I know I do! So this week's ingredient spotlight is the amazing tea tree!

Tea tree does of course come from a tree, however it is a different plant than the plants that produce tea leaves like the kind you put in your boiling water. While those leaves are meant to be used internally (and sometimes externally) in order to reap the benefits, the tea tree plant's oil is meant to be used topically for more uses than you ever imagined!

Tea tree is super antiseptic, making it great to use on cuts, burns, and even allergic reactions to reduce inflammation. Some people even put it in their hot bath to reduce things like coughs and bronchial infections/irritations. 

But for beauty purposes, tea tree is like the holy grail that no one knew how to find! It is becoming a much more popular ingredient now, and we have finally decided to give a natural alternative a chance and make our skin stunning.
Tea tree can be used for athlete's foot to reduce itching and inflammation, so this can be thrown in your shoes in a powder or apply the oil topically to soothe the skin.
It has also been known to be used on the scalp to treat dandruff, so to keep your scalp from flaking, try a shampoo or conditioner with tea tree! It'll keep your hair strong and save you from flakes!
But I think what we all want to know about tea tree: what can it do for the skin?
Tea tree has been found to be an amazing anti-inflammatory that can reduce acne! It has been found that while it will not work as quickly, tea tree is a much more natural way to treat acne in the same way as 5% benzoyl peroxide gel. How crazy is that? It's much more gentle on the skin than benzoyl peroxide, keeping the skin healthy and bright while fighting redness and post-acne scarring. 

All in all, tea tree is a do-it-all ingredient that you can find in oil form at your local Whole Foods store, or you can just order it online! Careful though, you might get addicted to using it for just about everything!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Winter Skin

Hi again beauties!
This is an important post for those of you who have super temperamental skin around this time of year. Think about it: all things holiday come out, the glitter starts flying, you can start wearing adorable sweaters and your comfiest (but most stylish) boots...and your skin gets crazy unhappy.
You get flaky, combination, sometimes even oilier than you are in the summertime. What the heck is happening?!
You may ask yourself "but I take such good care of my skin, what am I doing wrong?" (I know I do!) Here's the low-down, you're not doing anything wrong, you may just have to modify your routine a teeny bit.
See, here's what happens: during the wintertime, the air loses a lot of its humidity and excess moisture. This results in dry skin because the environment is essentially sucking the moisture your skin has right out of it. Also, we're putting the heat on to keep warm, right? And while it's always nice to feel toasty and warm, our skin doesn't appreciate all that dry heat!
What can we do to protect our skin for wintertime, you ask? Here:

1) Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Remember when I said your skin might even get oilier than it was in the summertime? This is especially for you. What happens is when the skin loses moisture, it leaves it feeling tight, taut, and dry. But your skin will try to overcompensate for the dryness by producing lots of excess oil.
So no matter what skin type, I suggest finding a moisturizer with glycerin, which will lock moisture into the skin, but will also add a layer of protection. It will keep the skin feeling extra soft all winter long. 

2) Use warm water, not hot!
Sounds weird, right? But you're actually better off taking a warm shower rather than a steaming hot one. The reason why is because scalding water breaks down the lipid barriers on your skin that keep you naturally hydrated, and when you're getting out of a shower that left you feeling like you might have been set on fire and fail to moisturize, it can lead to intense irritation, craking, dryness...we definitely don't want that. 

3) Invest in a humidifier.
This will add moisture into the air in your room while you sleep, ultimately leading to much more hydrated skin than skin exposed to just a blast of dry heat.

Hope this helps, everyone! If you have any extra healthy winter skin tips, leave them in the comments below! Stay fabulous!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Honey

Time for another ingredient spotlight! This time we'll be focusing on honey, one of the most underrated ingredients in the beauty world.

Sure, you sweeten your tea with it, you might even eat some right off the spoon when you're trying to help your allergies along (local honey helps!) but do you know what it can do for your skin?
Honey is a natural preservative. In lots of face products, you don't need any parabens or other preservatives because honey will keep your products fresh!
Honey is also naturally antibacterial, making it safe to put on acne. It's antibacterial properties can help speed up the healing process of cuts, open wounds (such as popped pimples) and facial inflammation! Cool, right? It also promotes moisturizaton of the skin, so while it antibacterializes pores and helps clear your skin up, it also helps with elasticity and hydration! Sometimes I like to apply pure, raw, organic local honey to my face (about 2 tablespoons), and let it sit on my face for around 15 minutes. When I rinse it off (and lick it off my lips because I can't help it...) my face feels tighter but not dry, and I see a significant difference in the brightness of my skin when I wake up the next morning. No complaints here!
Honey is also an anti-irritant, so it can be used in just about anything to keep skin calm, balanced, and in perfect condition. It's also safe to be used on very young and sensitive skin because it helps protect against free radicals!
Plenty of products contain honey; to name a few from LUSH: Brazened Honey, Honey I Washed the Kids, Fair Trade Honey shampoo, It's Raining Men shower gel...the list goes on!

Let me know if there are any ingredients you'd like to see next time. Can't wait to do another one of these!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Birthday Haul!

Hi beauties! It was my birthday on Monday the 21st, and what was on most of my list was makeup and skincare (of course), so I thought I would share some of the stuff I got with you. I'm going to be reviewing these products as I use them, so stay tuned for that too!

1) Urban Decay Vice 2
I'm so excited to try this one out, I have the first Vice palette and I really like it. Some of the colors are a little chalky in the first and I didn't swatch the second yet, so we'll see how it goes. I love Urban Decay, 99.9% of the time the quality of their products is amazing.

2) Anastasia Catwalk Palette
I've never tried Anastasia's products before, but I fell in love with that deep maroon/purple second from the left in the top row and that's what ultimately made me ask for this...little did I know I'd love all the colors! I just tried this palette today and loved the quality of the shadows and how they wear throughout the day. I should have taken a picture to show you guys, but I was in a rush out the door on the way to work and then totally forgot :/

3) Stila All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer highlighter
I've been in dire need of a good highlighter- I was considering buying Feeling Younger from LUSH but for some reason decided against it, however I'm kind of glad I did. (Sorry, LUSH, I still love you!) I fell in love with the pink shimmer of the luminizer, and I'm really excited to try it out under my brows, on my cheekbones, and on my cupid's bow!

4) Stila Color Balm Lipstick in Bridgitte

I'm always looking for new lip balms, and I was dying for something in a nice wine color for fall. This one looks perfect, and I'm hoping to really get the full effect of a lipstick with the moisturizing effects of a balm! Fingers crossed

5) Urban Decay Glide On Lip Pencil in Ozone
This thing is awesome. I haven't tried it with lipstick or any color yet for that matter, but it claims to work in the same way as a lip pencil/liner. But it's clear. That's right, when you apply it you can't see it. Crazy, right? I'm hoping it doesn't mess with the color of my lipsticks, that's the ultimate goal. Usually you can see the outline of my lip liner because I try to be really precise with my lipsticks, so I don't always go to the edge of my lip liner with my lipstick in the hopes that nothing will feather. Again, fingers crossed!

6) Lorac 3D Liquid Lustre
I'd swatched this about a year ago at Sephora and fell in love but never found a practical use for I figured I would ask for it for my birthday! I can't wait to put this over my eyeshadows around the holidays, glitter always makes me feel festive! 

As far as beauty products go, that's what I got for my birthday this year! I'm hoping to put up some reviews of these products soon, let me know if you've tried any of them and how you feel about them! Until next time, beauties!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Deal with Combination Skin

We all know how frustrating it is when our skin doesn't behave. Sometimes we break out. Sometimes we get so dry that we get flaky and sore. Sometimes we get a little bit of both. 
Wait, what? How can I possibly have such horribly dry spots but an oil slick in my T-zone?
Well, beauties, this problem is way more common than you think. Actually, believe it or not, tons and tons of people in the world have just that same problem: uncomfortably dry skin in some spots and oily spots that break out easily in others.

So how do we deal with something as complicated as skin with a split personality?
As it turns out, drying out the oily spots is not the answer. Moisturizing with the right kind of cream may be the answer to your cranky skin's problems! It's going to take quite a few tries, but eventually, the right product will fall right into your lap.

Why would I moisturize oily spots, you ask? Sometimes, what happens is your skin becomes so dry that it begins overcompensating in the oil-production area. That means that maybe your skin has gotten so dry that your skin is producing 5x the oil it normally would if it were at a balance.
Adding moisturizer to these areas on the skin will eventually tell the pore to calm down with the oil, because the moisturizer has it under control. Then the dry spots will start to get back to that lovely smoothness we all strive for, and the oily spots will follow suit!

So how do you find such a magical moisturizer? Well, there are plenty of steps. Find out what you're sensitive to. If you have allergies to certain ingredients, stay clear of products with those ingredients in them. They can cause your skin to flare up, resulting in redness, irritation, more dryness or more oiliness. Skin is so temperamental isn't it?

If you tend to be mostly on the oily side, try an oil-free moisturizer. This will keep from adding to the oils your skin is already producing, but it will moisturize those dry spots. This will keep your skin at a nice balance without irritating it. 
If you tend to be mostly on the dry side, try a moisturizer geared towards sensitive skin. I tend to try the more natural route, you know, working at LUSH and all, so I use either their Celestial or Gorgeous moisturizers.
(I just recently started using Gorgeous, I'm going to do a review some time in the very near future!)
Both are packed full of skin-loving ingredients like almond milk and vanilla in Celestial to soothe, and wheatgrass in Gorgeous which nourishes. Both moisturizers really feed your skin without causing irritation. Actually, Gorgeous is the same formula Princess Diana used in her moisturizer!

Another option is LUSH's Imperialis. This stuff is magic. Want to know why? It has cocoa butter to moisturize, but it has lavender. Lavender is a crazy awesome ingredient to have in your skincare routine (if you read my previous post, you know why!), it evens out the way skin produces oil; basically it keeps sebum production under control.

Let me know all about your skincare routines for combination skin, beauties! I'd love to hear what you use! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Lavender

Hi again beauties, I came up with a new series: ingredient spotlight! Basically I'll be letting you all know about the benefits of basic ingredients that you can find in everyday skincare products...or maybe you'll even find some ingredients you'd like to start looking for!

My first installment in this series is going to be all about lavender.
The lavender plant is a gorgeous flour used for tons and tons of different things such as aromatherapy to aid in relaxation and sleep therapy, but most importantly (for us over here at glitteringgorgeous at least), it's an incredible ingredient to add to your skincare regimen! Here's why...

Lavender has tons of healing properties because it's antiseptic. Know what that means? It helps antibacterialize the pores, therefore helping with breakouts and scarring! The antibacterial properties of lavender are awesome for acne scars because it helps treat cuts and scrapes, therefore helping the skin heal faster.
It also helps with the balancing of sebum production. Sebum is the oil that makes your face look shiny/contributes to the clogging of pores that can lead to breakouts. Its antiseptic properties clean the pores, giving almost a toning effect to pores effected with excess oil, while it adds moisture where it is needed in dry spots on the face.
Lavender is also great for balancing out the skin tone. It reduces inflammation which helps balance redness!
Best skin types to use lavender on: Oily/combination

I'll be adding to this series once a week. That means I'll have a regular post (quick tutorial/review etc.) one day, and one of these on the other day! If there are any ingredients you'd like to learn about just leave a comment below, I'd love to make this a really informative series.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Your Best Lips for Fall

Hi beauties! How many of you get chapped lips the second any weather below 75 hits? I know I do. So here's my favorite routine to get stunning lips for fall, using the most popular fall color this year: oxblood!

Step 1:
Exfoliate your lips. This is going to help soften your lips and get rid of any of the excess dead skin that builds up (I know, it sounds gross) which will eventually lead to chapping. The excess of dead skin on the lips is what causes that flaky look, and no one wants that with lipstick on, am I right?
I use LUSH's lip scrubs, my personal favorite is Mint Julips which has jojoba oil and sugar to moisturize and exfoliate, and it's chocolate-mint flavored! Who doesn't love thin mints on their lips? Oh and it's edible, so when you're done, instead of wiping, just lick it off! It tastes like candy.
If you're not into that one, plenty of brands make lip scrubs! My first was from Sarah Happ called "The Lip Scrub" and comes in flavors such as vanilla bean and brown sugar. Mmm. This one isn't edible though, so don't go licking this one off.
One more lip scrub I'd recommend is the Fresh Sugar Lip Polish. It's a little bit pricey, but this one has shea butter in it, which is a super nourishing butter for the lips that will keep them hydrated.

Step 2:
Condition, condition, condition. This is a pretty easy step, just take your favorite lip balm and slather it on. If you can, leave it on over night. If you're doing all of this in the morning before you put lipstick on, do it at the beginning of your makeup routine before you do anything else, that way the lip balm has a chance to absorb completely.
You all know my current favorite that I raved about in a review: Soap and Glory A Great Kisser lip balm that you can now get in 3 flavors: vanilla bean, juicy peach, and peppermint! I have all 3, they're amazing.
If you're not into that one, I also suggest Hurraw! Balm, which is a raw, vegan-friendly brand that makes amazing smelling lip balms. My current favorite is their chai lip balm for fall! They have ridiculous amounts of flavors, so get a bunch at a time. When I ordered, they even included an adorable little note on my receipt.

Step 3:
Blot off excess balm. If you're putting lip color on, leaving any excess balm is going to cause slippage all over your face, and no one wants that! Take a piece of toilet paper or a tissue and just blot off any moisture that's still on your lips. Don't wipe, that will wipe away all those nutrients, just pat your lips with the tissue until they don't feel slippery anymore.

Step 4:
Lip liner! To get my favorite oxblood look, I line my lips with Sephora Collection Nano Liner in Pleasant Plum. I fill in my lips completely, but you can just line them if you would rather do that. Lip liner keeps your lipstick from smudging all over your face and feathering, which is a total plus if you don't want to have to touch up your lipstick during the day.

Step 5:
Lipstick! Use your favorite oxblood shade, and you're all done!

Let me know how this process works out for you, beauties! Until next time, stay fabulous!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Get to Know Me: Beauty Blogger Tag!

Hi beauties! I decided to throw a tag into the mix amongst all of the reviews I've been doing; I'm a little stuck with my cruelty-free beauty series I had going on because I'm not getting much feedback on any of my posts so I don't know if I should continue it or not. If any of you would like to vote either way, that would be awesome and please do so in the comments section of this post! Also, if there are other topics you'd like for me to write about, don't hesitate to ask. I would love to cater to all of my readers, and I want to get to know all of you!
I got this tag from Citra's beauty blog which is absolutely stunning and you should all definitely check it out. So here's a little bit about me!
1. Is your hair natural curly or straight?

So curly. Obnoxiously curly.

2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

I used to go to the salon to have it dyed chemically, but I switched to henna and now my mom and I do it together because it's definitely a 2 person job.

3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it?

I change it up; I work at LUSH so my dress code is typically black and white with accessories in any color if I want...but I tend to forget how to wear things that aren't black and white. Summertime I'm told I look like a hippie, wintertime I wear (faux-)leather boots with spikes and beanies. It all depends.
4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I get major anxiety when my nails chip and I have to take it all off no matter what so I tend to avoid having my nails done...I wash my hands a ton on a daily basis so they'd chip in like 15 minutes. I'll usually just do it myself so I can fill the color back in as they chip.
5. How often do you change your nail polish?
Like once every two weeks.
6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just in the summer?
Mostly summer.
7. How long does it take for you to put on your makeup?
On a good day, between 15-20 minutes. On a bad day where my cat eye won't even out or I get glitter on my face around 35. -sigh- Those days aren't fun.
8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I don't ever really neeeeed any, it's just a matter of "OH MY GOUHSGOUHFIHBSG I DON'T HAVE GLITTER IN THIS COLOR YET"
10. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Pretty much never, I think I only ever have once. My eyes are super sensitive, they don't really like them much.
11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
Nope, I usually just do a BB cream with SPF. :)
12. Do you wear makeup when your home alone, or with family?
When I'm alone pretty much never, when I'm with family it's usually just mascara unless we're going out somewhere together.
13. Will you leave the house without makeup?
I do pretty frequently lately, actually. I'll come home from work and take it off but then decide to go out later, and I try to give my skin a break so I'll just leave it bare.
14. How many high-end products do you have?
I used to have more MAC than anyone I knew, but with them being owned by Estee Lauder who has a pretty icky policy on animal testing, I gave it all to my sister because ethically I was getting upset using it. So right now my collection is pretty small, I'm working my way back up with Tarte and Stila!
15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
LOL I don't even remember the last time I planned an outfit the night before! I always pick my outfits while I'm getting dressed.
16. How often do you change your handbag?
Probably like once a season, maybe twice if I'm feeling adventurous.
17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
I've been waking up at around 9ish lately, not later than that, and I usually fall asleep around midnight. Maybe a little later if there's something good on tv. 
18. How often or when do you workout?
I try pretty hard but I lose my motivation so I try to around 3 times a week.
19. Left handed or right handed?
20. How tall are you?
5'6" approximately. Haven't measured myself in a while!
21. Do you speak any foreign language?
I'm almost fluent in Spanish :)
22. How many pets do you have?
Two if you count the one that's my sisters, we share a dog and she has a rabbit.
23. How often are you on blogger?

Oh goodness at least an hour a day.

24. Do you read comments posted on blogs?
If I got any on mine I would :(
25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I have a Stickie note on my computer!
26. How did you come up with your Blog name?
I love glitter and I love feeling fabulous! I used to be glitterazziandkisses which was half inspired by Ingrid on youtube, and half inspired by a Jeffree Star song that has the phrase "glitter and kisses" in it. He's my go-to for makeup inspiration. 
27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?

...Samsung Galaxy S3 ohhhh yeah. I'm saving up for a real camera. Maybe Christmas!

28. How often do you clean your house?
My room gets cleaned daily, and so does my corner of the bathroom!
29. What’s your favorite color?

Pink or black...or mint...or silver as long as there's glitter...

30. Do you swear?

If I need to. It usually just slips.

31. What are you doing with the rest of your day?

It's kind of late right now, 11:34 where I am, so I'm probably going to catch up on my youtube videos that are piling up in my subscriptions page, then going to bed!

I tag all of you to do this along with me, then give me a link in my comments so I can check out all of your answers! I'd love to know what you all have to say!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Best Spot Treatment

Hi beauties! So I decided to write this post after my skin freaked out on me yet again, because I know many people struggle with those little blemishes that pop up right before important events. In my case, I have NYCC (New York Comic Con) on Friday, and I'll be wearing liquid latex to keep my mask on. (I'm going as Harley Quinn from Batman, I'll be the Harley with red hair in pigtails instead of blonde, in a black and red jersey dress with her costume's pattern and combat boots in case any of y'all see me and want to say hi...I'll also post pictures afterwards! :D)
So I know my skin is going to be incredibly unhappy with me, as it is showing me signs that it isn't too happy with me right now. So I've done lots of research on spot treatments, and here's what I learned:
There are plenty of spot treatments out there, but not all of them seem to get the job done. It's all what ingredients are in there and how your skin reacts to those ingredients!
When you're looking for a good spot treatments, look for ingredients that are going to antibacterialize the skin without drying it out. Sometimes dryness is good if your pimple is filled with lots of pus and producing excess oil around the pore, but most of the time, we need to keep our skin hydrated and that will help prevent acne because it is balancing the amount of oil that is being produced and pushed to the skin's surface.
Here's a list of some good antibacterial ingredients:
-Tea tree
-Witch Hazel
-Hydrogen Peroxide
-Peppermint oil
-Grapeseed oil
That's just naming a few that occur naturally!
If you put tea tree oil or witch hazel on a blemish, it will help to detox the pore and bring down inflammation. Honey provides natural moisturization while still antibacterializing your pore...not to mention it tastes and smells awesome!
I would not recommend hydrogen peroxide for topical use on the face because it will probably be too harsh, however it does occur naturally.
Some other ingredients I have found to be helpful:
-Salicylic Acid
-Aloe Vera
-Benzoyl Peroxide
-Kaolin clay
...It is said that benzoyl peroxide is too harsh on the skin as well and may cause redness and irritation as well as excessive dryness, but when I get acne I know that this stuff helps at least a little bit overnight and then I just add a little bit of extra moisturizer the next day.
Look for these ingredients in your spot treatments and you'll be set to treat those pesky pimples!
Just be sure to use moisturizer afterwards, because dry skin could lead to even more irritated, breakout prone skin!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Stila Magnificent Metals Foil Finish Eyeshadow Review

Hi beauties, I have another review for you today! There's a lot of controversy over the price and quality of the Stila Magnificent Metals Foil Finish shadows, and I figured I would try it out to form my own opinion.
I have a very mixed opinion about these. I have two shades: Metallic Lavender and Metallic Dusty Rose. I have both swatched below, with and without the primer they tell you to use them with...

The yellow star is what the colors look like when mixed with the primer. The swatches without the star are the ones that were just applied with my finger and nothing else.
They recommend that you don't use brushes with these because they are a really strange consistency; they're like a crunchy cream shadow, if that makes sense. It doesn't feel dry, it doesn't feel wet, it doesn't feel smooth but it also doesn't feel like you're putting chunky glitter on...I have to say you have to feel them for yourself to decide what you think it feels like.

So here's how I feel about Metallic Lavender:
I absolutely adore this shade. I have to say, it isn't really a lavender, it's more of a gunmetal grey with some purple undertones. In the packaging it looks much more purple than it does when you put it on.
You can see from the first swatch without the primer it looks like a shiny, fabulous grey that would be awesome for wearing out. I wore it to work and it got quite a few compliments because it's really, really sparkly. I put my usual Sephora brand primer underneath and just applied it with my ring finger (PAT, do not rub) and that's how it came out. I was so happy!
Then when you add the primer, you get a gorgeous opaque silver/gunmetal with more of a shimmer than a sparkle. I haven't worn this out yet, but I do love how it looks on my hand!

Here's how I feel about Metallic Dusty Rose:
I actually really hate this one. The shade itself is stunning; it's a beautiful champagne pink with gold shimmer/sparkle. It reminds me of a MAC eyeshadow I had a few years ago and I can't for the life of me remember the color, but it was a part of their Halloween collection and they had gorgeous baked eyeshadow duos. *If anyone remembers the name of this collection please please please let me know!* It was my favorite eyeshadow in the world and it went with absolutely everything, it was so naturally colored but the shimmer made my eyes pop...I could go on for days about how much I adored that eyeshadow.
Anyway, this one is SUPER chunky. Like depressingly, foil falling in my eyes chunky. With and without the primer. So all in all, I'm incredibly disappointed. I don't know if maybe I got a bad one or something, but this color is gorgeous, just the quality and opacity of the shadow itself was not so great for me. There's such a significant difference between the look and feel in the two shades that I bought, and this one reminds me of your cheap first eyeshadow that came in some cheesy kit you got when you were 9. It flakes, it smudges...-sigh- I'm so sad.

So I'm incredibly torn about these, I may buy just one more to solidify my opinion. We'll see. I don't really want to spend another $30 on an eyeshadow but...for the sake of beauty! And you!

Let me know about your experiences with these, I would love to know how they've been working out for the rest of you!
Thanks for reading guys!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Soap and Glory A Great Kisser Review

Hi beauties! I've been on the hunt for an amazing lip balm for as long as I can remember. No, really, one of the first "beauty staples" in my bag was actually a Burt's Bees original lip balm. Which didn't work for me. Nothing against Burt's Bees, I love most of their products, but their lip balm was just not my cup of lips are so chapped 24/7 and that mint flavoring made the cracks burn like nobody's business.

Cut to a few years later; I have advanced my beauty collection, and with that, my lip balm drawer. (No, really, I have a lip balm drawer. I probably have about 30 in there.)

So clearly I have been around the block with my share of lip balms. There has never been one that I love more than I love the Soap and Glory A Great Kisser balm.

A close second would be the Rosebud Salve you see on top there also, you can get that one at Bath and Body Works and/or Sephora for $6, I believe.

Let's talk about Soap and Glory though...

This lip balm is magic. My lips are chapped beyond belief 24/7 no matter what I do. I scrub, I keep balm on them all day every day, and yet still, within a few hours, they're feeling like someone took a hairdryer on high to them. (That was a horrible visual but it's true) Cracked lips are so not cute.

I've been checking out Soap and Glory for a little while now, I picked up their Righteous Body Butter and their Hand Food, and I decided that since I'm always looking for a good lip balm, why not? Let's grab one. So I got A Great Kisser in the flavor Juicy Peach.

There are options now, you can also get Vanilla Bean and Peppermint (which I will be ordering as soon as I finish this post)...Vanilla Bean is a pink balm with gold shimmer and Peppermint is clear; Juicy Peach (which Sephora has been carrying as long as they've had Soap and Glory) is a pretty, sheer pink balm.

It is a tiny bit stickier than I would like, and I prefer lip balms in tubes, but with the quality of this one, it doesn't matter at all, I'm willing to sacrifice sticky fingers for fabulous lips.

I put this balm on before I go to bed at night and I wake up and it's still on! My lips feel so pillowy soft and's like nothing I've ever felt before. The cracks are virtually gone, and any that are left are dramatically diminished.

I'm rating this a 9.5/10, only taking off the .5 for packaging and a teeny bit of stickiness. It's totally worth it though, I promise. Just try it out and let me know how much you love it!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Cruelty-Free Beauty (Murad edition)

Everyone is always looking for a good skincare brand that's going to solve their skin woes. There are plenty out there, but not all of them test on humans instead of bunnies and cats! Murad, however, is an awesome skincare brand that only tests on humans, and they let you know right on their packaging.
I mean really, is the chemistry of a rabbit's skin going to react the same way to an acne treatment as one of us? (And our skin doesn't even all react the same!)

On to what Murad is all about...
Their products have won tons of awards for effectiveness, for every skin type from sensitive and redness-prone, to maturing acne-prone skin.
The company was founded by Dr. Murad, who is a dermatologist and considered a leader in skincare. He has patented tons of advancements in skincare that have saved peoples' skin and turned it around entirely.

I highly recommend this brand; I've been using there soothing gel cleanser for redness reduction, and it has worked wonders for my skin. Normally it is incredibly red, sensitive, and sometimes even so combination that I have oil slicks in some places and flaky dry patches in others. After using this cleanser in conjunction with the Murad Blackhead and Pore Clearing Duo (which is a mask and serum to clean out dirt and debris and loosen it all up and then a refining serum to seal the clean pore), my skin looks completely different in the best way! It's much less red, can handle the elements better without becoming red and irritated, and is all around much more hydrated and less flaky.

There are hundreds of testimonies on the Murad acne systems for clearing the skin that you can find on and, and I believe it! From my experiences with this brand, I would send anyone in their direction if they're looking for a legitimate dermatologist-based skincare brand without the animal testing.

Let me know if any of you have tried Murad products, which ones they were and whether or not you liked them! Thanks for reading beauties!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Let the Good Times Roll Review

Hi there beauties! I have another review for you today, and I'm super excited about it.
LUSH brought back their Let the Good Times Roll facial cleanser! 

This used to be a limited edition holiday product that came out last Christmas, but so many people loved it and complained when it got taken away that they brought it back as a permanent staple in their face cleanser collection! (Or so they say...they also told everyone that last year but let's hope they keep their promise this time)
If you stop into a LUSH store, they have it displayed with the rest of the cleansing rolls (ie. Angels on Bare Skin, Herbalism, Aqua Marina and Dark Angels) least that's how it is in my shop. So we were getting it in pre-weighed pots but my store is cutting it from the roll now!

Anyway, on to the review...
First of all, this stuff smells like you can take a handful and eat it. It's like sugar cookie dough with a little bit of kettle corn mixed in. It's heavenly. I catch myself opening my pot to smell it when I walk in and out of my bedroom just because it smells that good (however I wouldn't suggest eating edible alternative is LUSH's Popcorn lip scrub). 
So this cleanser has a little bit of cinnamon in it to warm the skin, which is always nice on a fall or winter day when you've been outside and your cheeks and nose are freezing cold and you need a little something to warm you up. It also has maize flower and corn meal to gently exfoliate the face (and body!). But most importantly, there's glycerine, which is going to help lock in moisture on those days that your skin is misbehaving and getting a bit flaky.

If you've read my updated skin routine post, you know my skin's been beyond cranky lately. I've been switching my products to more soothing cleansers and moisturizers instead of harsh ingredients, and I've noticed that it's been helping. I decided to give this cleanser a shot on the days where I notice my dry patches messing with my BB cream (I use Tarte Amazonian Clay BB Cream in Fair in case you guys wanted to know), and it works wonders!
It's a lovely, deep scrub, almost like Ocean Salt if you're a Lushie, or like the St. Ives Apricot Scrub for those of you that are more into drugstore cleansers. It's just a little bit more gentle than those chunks that you scrub with, it's more of a subtle, grainy exfoliant.
As far as hydration goes, I notice that it helps relieve any tightness that I have on my face, because it's picking up that dead skin with the scrub and replacing it with some repairing glycerine.
All in all this product is definitely worth giving a shot; I see it working for just about all skin types, especially as the weather gets colder and you need a little bit more hydration. The smell lingers for a little while too, and that would always keep me coming back to this stuff.

Let me know if any of you try it! Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion Review

Hi there lovelies! So in my posting schedule post, I'd mentioned that when I had gone out, I was going to share some of the products that I got with you.
I know I had written a quick blurb about the Mario Badescu drying lotion, but I want to go in-depth with how it's been working for me with almost a week of continuous use, what's in it, what the ingredients do, etc.
Let's get glowing...

The Mario Badescu drying lotion has virtually changed the integrity of my skin in about a week. Here was my deal: I was getting bumpy like all over the place, which rarely happens to me (anyone know why something like that would happen?) and some of those bumps were turning into whiteheads. Even worse, right?
I was finding that for some reason, the only things that were helping my troubled skin were formulations for sensitive skin rather than acne prone skin. Which essentially made no sense to me, but hey, if my skin wants to be temperamental, there's not much I can do, right?
But I still needed a spot treatment! Personally, I'm one of those people that always needs to put a spot treatment on before bed because I like to think I'm using it as preventative maintenance. I decided to try the drying lotion because I've heard people raving about it on YouTube, their blogs...I just had to try it, so I picked it up from my local Ulta! Here's my experience:

The drying lotion is formulated with salicylic acid, isopropyl alcohol, Calamine, Colloidal Sulfur, Glycerine and other secondary ingredients that make up this separated product. It comes in a small bottle that looks like this:

And it's incredibly easy to use, and marketed for all skin types. Hooray! All you have to do is dip a cotton bud into the pink sediment at the bottom (the bottle is very eager to tell you not to shake the bottle or use just the pink sediment, the separation is part of how the product works) and pull it out, then apply the mixture to your skin. You don't even rub it in, you just dot it on, let it dry, and leave it overnight!
I wouldn't suggest using this every day because it is drying; I've noticed little bits of dryness on my forehead where I've been using it, however that's nothing a little bit of Celestial from LUSH won't fix.
However, I do appreciate that they put glycerine in it, because it helps lock moisture into the skin, however you're still getting the effects of the sulfur and the salicylic acid with the calming, anti-inflammatory effects of the calamine.
But overall, I've noticed a huge change in my skin. It's gone from bumpy and irritated with lots of little blackheads and whiteheads and enlarged pores to almost back to how it normally is. The bumps that I have are either completely gone or they have diminished in size by more than half overnight. The area surrounding where I put the product is a little bit dry, like I said, but I throw a little bit of moisturizer for sensitive skin over it and it's all good to go.

If I had to rate this product on a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a 9.5, only docking the .5 for the dryness that you get but it's easy to deal with.
Hope this helps guys! If you try it out, let me know how it works for you!